Archive for the tag: Office

10 BIGGEST Box Office Bombs of All Time

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Here are the top 10 biggest box office bombs off all time.

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10 BIGGEST Box Office Bombs of All Time
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Hollywood LOSES IT After Strange World FLOPS HORRIBLY in the Box Office! HILARIOUS MELTDOWN!

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Hollywood LOSES IT After Strange World FLOPS HORRIBLY in the Box Office! HILARIOUS MELTDOWN!


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DISASTER For Woke Disney, Worst Year In Half A Century! | Stock DROPS After Avatar 2 Box Office News

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Why Box Office Results Don't Explain How Movies Make Money

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In this video we’re going to look at how movies make money, and why box office numbers are misleading….

There was a time not all that many years ago when the public didn’t generally know how much money a movie earned at the box office on its opening weekend. That made it possible for a film to start slowly and, if it had good word of mouth, become a hit over time.

Now, box office totals are widely reported.

But it’s important to remember that box office totals reflect how much people have paid theaters for tickets for a movie. And a film becomes profitable after the movie company has recouped all the money it spent not only making the movie but marketing it.

So, let’s take a hypothetical superhero movie based on lesser-known DC character Marvelous Man. Due to the success of Aquaman, Marvelous Man: The Movie gets a green light and a budget of 0 million — a relatively small amount for superhero film. And let’s further assume the movie actually comes in exactly on budget. At this point the studio is 0 million in the red.

It then has to let the public know the movie is coming. It does this by advertising, promotional tie-ins (like a Marvelous Man Happy Meal toy), and media junkets with the film’s stars. That all costs money too and that has to be recouped as well before the movie can be considered profitable.

Let’s pretend that another million was spent on marketing Marvelous Man: The Movie – there’s no hard and fast rule for marketing budgets, but half of production budget isn’t uncommon.

Now that movie has been made and promoted, it’s time for opening weekend. Say Marvelous Man: The Movie sells 0 million in tickets on opening weekend. It’s a big number, but it’s very important to remember that the studio does not receive all of that money — the theaters get a cut.

How much is that cut? It varies. For a huge film like a new Star Wars or Avengers movie, Disney has leverage. It can negotiate a bigger cut and demand the theater show the film on multiple screens. It can also ask for a higher percentage of the gross in succeeding weeks.

In general, the studio’s percentage gets lower the longer a film has been in theaters. That’s done to entice theaters to keep films playing longer.

So, in the first week of a film that’s not a sure thing, the company producing the film might get 60% of the box office. That means that on the shocking 0 million in tickets sold by Marvelous Man: The Movie at the domestic box office, the company that made the film gets paid million… meaning it’s still million in the red.

Foreign box office is even more complicated but it’s all based on the theaters getting a cut and the movie producers getting a cut. The math varies, but in a very broad sense movies haven’t made any money until their box office roughly equals twice the money spent on production.

Of course, a movie isn’t done once it leaves theaters. Money is paid for streaming rights — a number that can be challenging to actually apply to any one movie since deals tend to be studio-based for multiple films. There’s also DVD sales, rentals, an eventual pay cable window, then maybe a free cable or broadcast deal. And don’t forget about licensing opportunities with merchandise.

But in general, the bulk of a film’s revenue comes from its theatrical run.

Let’s take a look at a real example to break down how fixating on just the gross box office figure warps the picture of a movie’s profitability.

Much-maligned film Solo: A Star Wars Story made 2 million globally at the box – but the studio only got a cut of that total.

It had a reported production budget of 5 million and had a big marketing campaign behind it. We don’t know the exact number, but it’s safe to assume promotion cost 0 million, maybe even 0 million.

So it’s entirely possible that Solo lost a decent chunk of money, even on the nearly 0 million it posted in ticket sales.

Unfortunately running the numbers on the movie industry involves a lot of guesswork because the cuts on ticket sales aren’t always reported and marketing spend often isn’t made public.

The bottom line, however, is that most movies make the bulk of their money from the revenue split with theaters and there’s no clear way for the public to know exactly how much money any given film makes or loses.

Now next time you see a big box office number, you’ll know there’s more to the story!

Thanks for watching this video – which movies do you think were the biggest box office flops? Sound off in the comments section.

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Why Cats Bombed At The Box Office

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Let’s all pay our condolences to Cats as it fades away to the Heaviside Layer. The film adaptation of the famous Andrew Lloyd Webber stage musical finally hit theatres on December 20th, 2019, and audiences have been passionately avoiding the film ever since. Here’s what went wrong with Cats.

Well, the box office numbers have rolled in for director Tom Hooper’s misguided movie-musical, and let it suffice to say, they aren’t exactly the cat’s meow. In fact, they’re absolutely abysmal. Initial box office estimates predicted that Cats would earn about million on its opening weekend. But when the film opened – against Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, no less – it pulled in a dismal .5 million domestically. That is to say, the box office returns were effectively in the litter box.

Such numbers would be acceptable for, say, a limited-release art film. But it’s completely unacceptable for a tentpole Christmas release packed with triple-A talent – particularly since the film cost approximately 0 million to make. A poor outcome for Cats was rather expected, but the severity of its opening weekend failure is still rather surprising.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is a serious box office bomb we’re talking about here… a major cinematic cat-astrophe. .2 million dollars on a wide-release opening day means that basically no one saw this movie. Meanwhile, pretty much everyone on the planet knew the film was happening. Seems like morbid curiosity just wasn’t enough to get people into those seats. That lack of curiosity killed Cats.

We can’t talk about Cats without talking about that soul-bending teaser trailer, which was released back in July 2019. What a day that was for social media. They say that “all press is good press,” but they clearly hadn’t seen the Cats teaser trailer before making that statement. Many people reacted with abject horror when they got their first look at the sprightly CGI cats, recoiling in horror at all the chirpy celebrity faces grafted onto furry bodies. Some folks hoped against hope that the film was still very much a work in progress. Keep watching the video to see why Cats bombed at the box office!

#Cats #BoxOfficeBombs #CatsMovie

Box office bummer | 0:19
Teaser trailer of doom | 1:41
Insane production turnaround | 2:44
The dismal reviews | 3:48
That patch, though | 4:39
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